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Are You Sure You Are Going To Heaven?


Acts 3:19-20
Amplified Bible

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19 So repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins] and return [to God—seek His purpose for your life], so that your sins may be wiped away [blotted out, completely erased], so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord [restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day]; 20 and that He may send [to you] Jesus, the Christ, who has been appointed for you,

Billy Graham


“Salvation isn’t ours until we reach out and accept it.”


Maria Woodworth-Etter


“If you from sin are longing to be free,
Look to the Lamb of God
He, to redeem you, died on Calvary,
Look to the Lamb of God.”



Acknowledgment or to disclose, profess, admission of somethings


This is not the remorse of "I'm Sorry". Confession is taking ownership and responsibility of your part in the choices you allowed.



Turn back or repeat to the high place which is God. Change your direction | thoughts of action or habit.


Awareness of your sin (rebellion/disobedience) that convicts or prompts you to turn away from all forms of sin. Follow the good statues of God.



Source of being saved or delivered, taken out of a place of harm, ruin, or loss.


When you confess Jesus as Lord over your life. God snatches your soul from a life that leads to death and hell into eternal life in heaven. You are now under God's protection and promises today and eternally.

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Justification doesn’t mean you are changed, it means you are saved. Justification is the REGENERATION of your spirit, but TRANSFORMATION happens at sanctification. In Justification, all you did was BELIEVE Jesus's sacrificial death on the cross for your sins, exchanging His righteousness with your sinfulness. Believing in this FREES you from the penalty of sin, which is death and Hell…..and you were SAVED!



Sanctification, we become Christlike by allowing Christ’s Spirit to live through us. It means that we are a work in progress, we are daily being changed and developing the fruit of the Spirit. Sanctification FREES us from the power of sin, which means that SIN doesn’t have to reign over us. Sanctification doesn’t mean we DIE daily, it means we LIVE daily for Him who delivered us from hell’s grip.

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Redemption means to free someone from bondage. It often involves the paying of a ransom, a price that makes redemption possible. Redemption is to be free or delivered from bondage based on the payment of a price of sin. Jesus paid the sin price for your soul. The restoration process begins with faith to believe that you are forgiven, healed, delivered, set free, and reconciled by Jesus's blood.


Will You Accept Jesus As Your Lord and Savior?

Let us Pray together 

Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I know I lived a life that has separated me from You. I ask for Your forgiveness for missing the mark that led me into sin. I accept Jesus into my heart, and I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead so I can have eternal life with You. I receive, trust, and follow You as my Lord, Savior, and guide over my life. Help me to do Your will and redeem my soul. In Jesus's name, Amen.

If you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior today please write to us so we can continue to pray with and for you!

You are now A Child of God! Welcome to the Kingdom of Christ Jesus!

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You are Royalty, A Chosen generation 

You are a Child of the King of kings 



There is no "high" like the Most High God! A High that lasts forever eternal!

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PO Box 12585

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Jamie Barrera Ministry is a San Francisco-based 501©(3) nonprofit organization. 

Jamie Barrera Ministry is an ECFA-accredited organization.

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